HOW TO Use GITHUB & BASIC GitHub CommandS.

3 min readOct 16, 2022


Git and GitHub Introduction

What is Git?

Git is a popular version control system. It was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 and has been maintained by Junio Hamano since then.

It is used for:

  • Tracking code changes
  • Tracking who made changes
  • Coding collaboration

A. Git Basic Commands

‘’ 15 basic git commands you should know’’

  1. Git config

Git config One of the most widely used git config, which can be used to set certain configurations according to the user’s wishes, such as email, an algorithm for diff, username, file format, etc. for example, the following command can be used to set up email:

git config --global

2. Git init

This command is used to create a new repository. the method:

git init

3. Git add

The git adds command can be used to add files to the index. For example, the following command it will add a file named temp.txt which is in the local directory to index:

git add temp.txt

4. Git clone

The git Clone command is used to check out the repository. if the repository is on the remote server, use:

git clone alex@

If want to make a local repository, use:

git clone /path/to/repository

5. Git commit

The git commit command is used to commit changes to the head. Note that any changes that are committed will not go directly to the remote repository. Use:

git commit -m "Fill in a description for the commit"

6. Git status

The git status command displays a list of changed files along with the files you want to add or commit. Use:

git status

7. Git push

git push is another basic git command. Push will send changes to the master branch of the remote repository that corresponds to your working directory. For example:

git push origin master

8. git checkout

The git checkout command can be used to create branches or to move between them. For example, the following command will create a new branch and move to it:

command git checkout -b <name-branch>

To move from one branch to another, use:

git checkout <branch-name>

9. Git remove

The git remote command will allow the user to connect to the remote repository. The following command will display the repository being configured.

git remote -,v

This command allows the user to connect the local repository to the remote server:

git remote add origin <>

10 Git branch

The git branch command can be used to list, create or delete branches. To display all the branches in the repository, use:

git branch

To delete a branch:

git branch -d <branch-name>

11. git pull

To merge all changes in the remote repository to the local directory, use the pull command:

git pull

12. Git marge

The git diff command is used to display conflicts. To see conflicts with the base file, use:

git diff --base <name-file>

13. git merge
The merge command is used to merge a branch into the active branch. Use:

git merge <nama-branch>

14. git show

To display information about an object in git, use git show

git show

15. git fetch

This command is used to display all objects from the remote repository that are not in the local working directory. For example:

git fetch origin


SOME of the discussions above are the most frequently used git commands. Make sure you also check out our other GIT tutorials to learn how to setup and install GIT.



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