How to Install Python

4 min readOct 3, 2022


Hello everyone, on this occasion I will discuss how to install python on your computer.

Before trying to run any Python program in your operating system, you’ll need to check if you have python installed and added to the environment’s path variable correctly.

in this article, I will show you how you can check whether you have Python installed successfully in your operating system or not. If not, then I will also show you how you can install it properly for Windows.

In this article, I am going to use Windows 11 as that’s the latest version of Microsoft Windows. But the same method is also applicable to the other versions of Windows as well. So, without further ado let’s get started.

How to Check if you have Python Installed in Your Windows Operating System

Open the CMD or PowerShell and Check the Version of Python by using this command:

python --version

If you get the version of Python in the output like you to see above, then your computer is perfectly okay for running any Python program. In your case, the version of Python might be different.

But if you get this type of output that you see above, then it can mean any of the following:

  1. You did not have Python installed on your computer, or
  2. Python’s directory has not been added to the path of the Environment Variables.

For now, let me assume that you do not have Python installed on your computer. Then I will also introduce you to how you can add Python’s directory to the path of the Environment Variables later in this article.


  1. First of all, visit the website and choose the appropriate operating system you have.

2. When finished, please double-click the download file, it will appear

make sure you check and add python to the path, this is useful so you can use python on cmd. While installing the launcher for all users is free, whether you want to check it or not, my advice is just to check it so that all users on the computer can use python. After that, click install now.

3. Wait for the installation process to complete

The installation has been finished successfully.

How to Check the Python Version

Now we need to check again whether Python has been successfully installed and added to the path of the environment variables or not.

To check that, we need to open the CMD or the PowerShell. Then we need to apply the following command:

python --version

Python has been installed and the path has also been added in the environment variables successfully!

How to Check the Path of the Environment Variables

If you want to check the path variables manually, then you have to open the Advanced System Settings. You can either search for Advanced System Settings, or you can open that from the Control Panel as well.

If you search using the keyword Advanced system settings, you will get that directly here like this.

If you want to open that from the Control Panel, then, first of all, you need to open the control panel.

Go to System and Security.

Click on System.

From here, click on Advanced System Settings.

Click on Environment Variables.

Click on Path and then click Edit.

You will see that the root directory of Python310 and the scripts directory of Python310 have already been added in the installation process, as we checked the box to do these during the installation.

If you wanted to do that manually, then you would need to copy and paste the two directories here by clicking New and pasting the two directories into two blank boxes (one box appears each time you click New). Then simply click on OK to all of the opened boxes and close all the opened windows.

Thanks a lot for reading the entire article.



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